Wednesday 22 June 2011


DAY 1 THE JOURNEY 2950 nautical miles to go
We have really enjoyed the amazing experience of visiting the Galapagos.  Unfortunately the time is running out before the South Pacific cyclone season.  We must get Faraway to Australia before the season.  We have reluctantly lifted anchor and headed on our 2950 nautical mile journey to the Marquesa Islands.  This is our biggest journey so far.  We are fully supplied with food(resupplied with meat as Ian allowed the freezer to defrost when we went to Isabella for 3 days).  We have only refilled the tanks to 2/3rds as we are not sure how clean the Galapagos fuel is (hand delivered in a heavy swell to the boat -6.07 dollars a gallon-yes 6.07 dollars a gallon thats right!!!!!).  We said goodbye to new friends.  Puffin(Australian) left 1 day before us, Saba(German) will leave 1 day after us.  Luna(Danish) will be few days later then Goody(South African) by the end of the week.  So I guess we are in a long multi national convoy.  WE ESTIMATE 21 DAYS TO GO.
We had to get a taxi with a high powered engine to drag our stern anchor (a danforth) out of the sand.  The bow anchor (a CQR) released itself after we reversed and drove Faraway back and forth many times.  It was really rolly as we motored out between the numerous dive boats, tour boats and commercial vessels. We continued under motor for 1 hour due south.  This allowed us to clear all the reefs and give a good charge from the engine driven alternator to our 6 house batteries.  We then put out 2/3 of the Main Sheet and 3/4 Genoa.  We do not normally use the staysail unless really necessary-it is our spare sail if required.  Unlike all previous journey's the wind was perfect 15 knots and south/south easterly direction.  It allowed us to head south west immediately. 
Our plan was to make both western (towards destination) and southerly (to where the trade winds and currents are most favourable) progress.  We intend to go to the 3 degree south line then head west until 108 degrees west.  This will keep us clear of an area known for strange weather-thunder and lightning with no rain.  Once clear of that we will point towards Marquesas-we intend to hit landfall in Hiva Oa where we have arranged for an agent to do our clearance for French Polynesia(not using an agent requires us handing thousands of dollars to the local government as a bond, to be returned at the other end when we leave ((aparently the government does not want captains leaving undesireables scattered across their beautiful islands)).
The swell was quite large 3-4 metres but the gaps are also large allowing Faraway to effortlessly glide over the top.  We made steady progress at aroung 5.5 kts.  There was a beautiful sunset.  Ian made caesar salad and we ate quietly in the darkness.  Later in the night the nearly full moon rose and the sea shimmered in the brightness.  At around 3am the wind died and we drifted in the current for 30 minutes.  As the sun rose the wind picked up and we continued into the day doing around 6 knots.

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