DAY 16 DAY 16 DAY 16 only 600 nautical miles to go
POSITION 08D58.142s 128D33.140w
Today I have titled the blog DAY 16 and I will try and write a full story out of nothing. The title summarises what has happened over the last 24 hours (not a lot). The swell is still increasing as there is a depression way to the south of us. Unfortunately the winds are not increasing yet in relation to the swell and life on board is quite uncomfortable. It looks like we won't make landfall until late on Saturday. We are certainly counting the miles and the days ahead now.
We sat on the back deck again for the last few hours in the sunshine and I decided to have another glass of red wine while Ian sipped a gatorade. Luckily the wine seems to settle my stomach but it makes me a little too drowsy for the night watch so it won't be an option in the rough weather days ahead.
The last of our bananas are going in a cake today. That leaves us with 2 apples, some oranges and half a watermelon. Not bad going really considering the time we have been at sea. Our potato and onion supply is surviving well so we have no complaints really on the food front. I wanted to fish yesterday for a tuna so we could have a change in diet but after some discussion Ian and I have decided that we really don't want to kill any sea creatures besides the mess that it would make on the back deck. I guess if we were really hungry our attitude would change pretty fast but for now we will stick to the tinned tuna variety.
I've added a photo of Ian doing some laundry on the deck so you can see how difficult everyday tasks can be.
1 fish
we just managed a butterfly walk before the rains came this afternoon. No doubt you will be delighted to walk on land again, Saturday looks about right on my Google Earth plots. Enjoy the (canned) tuna!