Friday 29 July 2011

So Relaxing

Position 15D.57.529 S 145D.04.664 W
Kaeuhi Atoll - Tuomotus
Friday, July 29 - We snorkelled first thing this morning then returned to Faraway for hot pancakes. There is just a gentle breeze allowing us to remain cool. The water is like glass. We can see all the coral heads around Faraway as we drift on the anchor chain. There are many small coloured fish and some larger predators that appear causing the tranquility to be occasionally broken as hundreds of defenceless creatures hurl themselves skywards in the vain hope that they are not todays meal. There is an occasional whistle of a tropic bird but apart from that it is just the gentle sound of the palm trees swaying in the breeze and a distant sound of surf pounding the outer wall of this beautiful atoll. It has become a little busy. There is now another yacht about 1 mille away and a local boat appeared at our moto dropping 2 passengers. It is amazing how quickly we adapt to solitude and become disappointed when it is broken. We kayaked ashore and went for a walk around a moto before lunch paddling in shallow lagoons as the tide came in. Every rock pool seemed to have a small Moray Eel defending its territory. We found many more Cowry shells but have become fussy now and only keep the perfect ones. I stayed out on a sand bar created from smashed shells and swam in the clear water while Ian walked back along the beach to get the kayaks. The tide had risen and he had to swim out to a small island to retrieve them. He let the incoming tide gently push him through the estuary before collecting me from my paradise. I made pizza for lunch before we lay in the cockpit listening to the sounds of the sea and drifting into a light sleep.
Even in paradise things eventually come to an end and we will have to start looking at our departure soon. The winds will increase and the lagoon will not be as calm. We also need to leave with enough good wind to ensure an easy 3 day passage to Bora Bora. This will be our last port of call in French Polynesia. Hopefully there will be a new watermaker cylinder waiting for us at the Air Tahiti terminal.
We will be extremely sad to leave this beautiful part of the South Pacific- but the cyclone season waits for no man(or woman).

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