The weather was still nice and sunny so on Friday we decided to motor over to a tiny island called Nuku. We motored along the island of Hunga and into the entrance of Port Refuge. The kids spotted some interesting caves along the way and wanted to take a closer looked so we hopped into the dinghy and motored over. I was driving the dinghy and on the way back to meet up with Faraway a whale dived about 100 metres in front of us. I got such a shock that I just killed the engine and we bobbed around in the water until the whale was clear of us. We finally arrived at Nuku which was a beautiful island fringed with powder white sand and a very healthy coral reef. We all snorkelled on the shallow reef and saw clown fish, sand dollars, lion fish and lots of colourful reef fish. In the afternoon Ian set up the cob BBQ on the beach and we left 2 chickens cooking while we went beach combing. Harrison and Sophie were pretty tired from the days activities and being out in the sun all day so Ian took them back to Faraway in the dinghy after dinner. A wise decision as the adults stayed on the beach drinking but unfortunately it rained heavily so we all had to beat a hasty retreat back to Faraway in the dinghy and arrived on board soaking wet.
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