On Saturday we took Faraway around the bay to the Swallows Cave. David offered to drive Faraway while the rest of us jumped into the dinghy to explore the caves with our snorkelling gear. The cave was spectacular and very dark inside except for the sea entrance and a tunnel of light that came down from an opening at the top of the cave. Snorkelling was very erie and there were lots of small silver fish sheltering in the dark water. We snorkelled outside the cave and discovered that the shelf around the cave quickly dropped off into very deep water. People often see whales in the bay just outside of these caves but we were unlucky today. Around lunch time we climbed back on Faraway and motored down to our next anchorage called Euakafa. This area was also known as the whales playground but we didn't see any in the bay during our stay. We did see lots of beautiful corals though and the kids enjoyed playing on the beach and discovered the fun of hermit crab training and racing. We stayed on board Faraway that night as the winds became very strong. During the night the anchor started to drag and at first light we got up to move to a calmer anchorage so we could all spend the last morning of the Wright visit on the beach of a secluded island.
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