Yesterday (May 22) we did 3 dives in the Coiba Island Marine Park in Panama. It was incredible diving and the dive sites were crowded with white tip sharks, jacks, huge moray eels, turtles and a variety of reef fish. The visibility wasn't that great but the marine life certainly made up for it and once you got your eyes focussed everything came towards you and into view. The sharks actually started to get in the way after a while. On the first dive the guide pointed out 2 tiny seahorses. Not sure how he spotted them but we were off to a good start. On the second and third dives we saw around a total of 12 Frog Fish varying in color from green, yellow and brown. This was incredibly lucky for me and I took lots of photos. I was amazed by their ugly little ghost like faces and their web like feet that clung on to the coral in the strong currents. They are true masters of disguise and we really enjoyed straining our eyes to spot them in between the soft corals. It was a wonderful experience to be in amongst an abundance of marine life and to have the opportunity to observe and photograph species that were unusual to us. Today we are heading to Jaicaron Island south of Coiba to rest overnight before sailing to the Cocos Islands (3 day sail) for some more diving. Sorry Ian I just have to see a red lipped bat fish on Cocos and some Hammerheads sharks if possible. Jaicaron Island is described as one of the most beautiful islands along the Panama coastline so I'm looking forward to arriving there in a few hours time. If any followers are interested in finding out our location in the Pacific on Google Maps you can follow the link on my Facebook Profile. We bought a 'Spot' GPS and it regularly updates our position. Just follow the Facebook link and you can see where we are. Unfortunately we only have internet access via satellite phone so I won't be able to update the blog with photos for some time now. Watch this space for the Frog Fish photos though.
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