Finally at around 2pm we passed through the Miraflora locks. The first photo shows a screen capture from the web cam showing Faraway (cream colour) rafted to Hakuna Matata in Miraflora lock. Thanks to all our family and friends who tuned in to see us make this journey and probably squinted for hours trying to catch a view of us. As we went through the 3 locks we could see the Pacific Ocean. It was so near but yet so far! We could also see the famous Bridge of the Americas and Panama City which was an exciting view. Incidently we are currently moored on the other side of the bridge (next to a noisy dredge). We screamed and cheered when the last lock opened into the Pacific Ocean. When we anchored that afternoon after dropping off the line handlers we celebrated with a few beers and got an early night. Ian and I were both absolutely exhausted but really enjoyed the adventure. Tomorrow we plan to head off to the Cocos Islands with a few stops at islands along the Panama coastline to break up the journey. We probably won't have internet access for a while but every now and then I will update the blog via satellite phone. We were lucky to make some more last minute shopping trips in Panama City.
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