Monday 22 August 2011


Position: 15D21.918S 167D47.685W
400 nautical miles left to sail to Vavau in Tonga
Monday, August 22 - There is a lot to be said for that saying 'be careful what you wish for'.  We discovered why last night.  Just after sunset several squalls appeared on the horizon and during the night the wind increased to 20 to 30 knots.  The swell also doubled in size to around 3 metres.  For the entire passage we had been chasing wind, hoping for wind, losing wind and gaining wind but now we had more wind and associated swell than was comfortable.  We reefed in the main sail and the head sail during the night in the rain.  This morning we only have 2 little handkerchief sized sails out but are getting speeds between 6.5 and 7 knots.  All you can hear is the wind funneling through the sails as we punch through the big swells.  All the windows are closed tight as waves keep breaking over the bow and beam engulfing every inch of Faraway's exterior.  There won't be a big variety of food on the menu today because going down below is a real challenge.  Just going to the toilet is a challenge getting there and staying on the seat!  Ian managed to have a shower this morning but I'm not sure how he did it.   Looks like we will have a quiet day in the cockpit today tucked into the leeward side corner of the boat.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating Sheryl and Ian, I've been reading your blog from the comfort of our apartment overlooking a calm English Channel! Hope you don't mind, I've featured you today on my blog as the weather is no good for butterfly photography:
