Ian came across a surfboard and thought it would be really cool if he tried to ride it but it crumpled in his hands as soon as he picked it up. Would save a lot of embarrasment. Unfortunately on our walk we came across a yacht that didn't make it. Just a gentle reminder to respect the sea. The area seemed to be suffering from the effects of the last hurricane with lots of corals and debris washed up along the coastline.
Hi sheryl, ian and bev and joanne if u still there! Finally got around to reading your blog. Just wonderful to read how you have been going so far and the photos are wonderful - feel like we are sharing the adventure with you! We have signed up as followers so look forward to our next destination! We just got back from Brisbane/Noosa few days ago. Had lovely xmas day with all Stonier clan then boxing day with Verschuers. Caught up with pop, Jackie/Tony, jim, whitey (no change there) at Noosa. Big floods in Qld and unhappy to report it rained for 8 out of 10 days! Looking forward to our adventure to Steamboat in 10days time. Take care, love to all and have a sundowner for us! David, louise, Lach,Harrison and Sophie xxx