Friday 31 December 2010

Land Based Activities

On Thursday, December 30 we were still land lubbers tucked safely away from the northerly swells and wind in the Radisson Marina. We decided to head off on a hike of the headland which took around 4 hours. It was quite interesting with unusual vegetation and animals spotted along the way. We were starting to go a bit land crazy but it would be foolish to head out to sea in the unusual weather conditions that we were experiencing. Bev and Ian decided to step out onto the headland to do some kind of weird flying impression but I stayed on the path with Joanne. Anyway it made for a good photo The bottom photo shows Ian and I overlooking the bay where we swim every day. That morning it was so rough that we were pushing weed and debri out of the way in order to swim.

1 comment:

  1. love the lizard and cactus-view shots. tell Ian and Bev not to give up the day jobs...
