Thursday 3 February 2011

Saba Hiking

Ian had the brilliant idea to do some hiking on Saba as it is also well known for the beautiful hikes and rain forests along with the diving. We set off early in the morning and started walking up the hill towards the settlement of 'the bottom' which is actually at the top of a very steep series of hills. Luckily for us a guy took pity on us and drove us up to the bottom so we could start our hike. We picked a 2.5 hour moderate hike that ended up being about 4 hours with me wanting to stop and rest my leg and also take in the breath taking views. We were lucky enough to climb 'the ladder' and visit the old custom house both from our tender and from the hike. What an amazing place the settlers brought all their supplies across the treacherous rocks and series of steps up to the house many years ago. We had trouble getting out of our tender on to the shore when the weather was quite calm. We met a ranger on the trail with a knife bigger than crocodile dundees who had a t-shirt with the logo on 'special forces beer drinker'. We weren't sure if he was going to mug us or kiss us. Luckily he was a local who had a wealth of information about the island and introduced us to the Tropic birds that frequent the island and told us stories of people who had lost their lives recently whilst visiting the island including a yachty whose dinghy capsized on the rocks beneath the ladder. He was seriously injured when he hit his heads on the granite rocks. After the hike it was pretty obvious that we had got our land legs back. We walked down the hill from the bottom to Fort Bay and took our tender back out to Faraway. What an exhausting but interesting day we had. I think out of all the places we had visited Saba was the most memorable. Ian said that Saba was the most awesome place that he had ever been to.

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